Marriage, Baptism, Funerals, Sacrament of the Sick

Marriage in the Catholic faith is the sacrament that makes Christ and his love present in the world. For couples wishing to marry in our church, one or both people must be a confirmed Catholic. Marriage preparation is conducted at a mutually convenient time for the couple and the parish priest.

Baptism and Baptismal preparation is offered by Monsignor Summersgill and there are opportunities for parents to meet up with others over coffee, after Mass on Sunday.

If you need to arrange a funeral, please contact the parish office as soon as possible.  Our parish priest, Monsignor Summersgill can provide support and advice about the service and the practicalities as well as pastoral support to you and your family.

The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is for those who are dying and require ‘the last rites’ and also for those who are facing serious or life-limiting illness (including mental health issues) or a serious operation. It should not be received ‘frequently’ or for minor illnesses.  Baptised babies and infants are not considered to require it – not having done anything that needs forgiveness.

Your first point of contact for any of these Sacraments is the Parish Office on or phone 01937 582283 and you can also ask about ‘Stole’ fees for Masses, Funerals, Baptisms and Weddings.