Katangi Orphans


What we do in Katangi

Your wonderful contributions to support the AIDS orphans in Katangi, Kenya have over the past years helped give over 200 children a start in life that would otherwise have been impossible for them. Having lost both parents, these children, some very young, would have been left with no support, but your generosity provides a lifeline in the form of food, clothing, shelter, an education and hope. We have a tiny voluntary team in Katangi who deliver that support, and funding comes through regular standing orders, donations, fundraising and the K49er weekly draw.

If you would like to more information, please email Katangi.stj@gmail.com or speak to a member of the Katangi team,

Katangi team

The Katangi 49er draw

The draw runs for 49 weeks each year with the following:

After prizes, the draw contributes about £6,900 to the orphan fund, about 25% of the typical annual budget. The annual cost to participate is £120 and can be paid by standing order monthly or annually.

Winner names are posted in the Narthex and on the parish website and prizes need to be collected from St Joseph’s within three months. If you are interested in joining the K49er draw, please speak to one of the team or email katangi.stj@gmail.com